So this article talks about election myths. It really does a good job and everything it says makes a lot of sense. It is nonpartisan, so don't try to label this as Democratic propaganda. While most of the myths have been propagated by Republicans, it does take Democrats to task over some of their myths.
While the British actually do something about their debt, we're still stuck in gridlock back here in the US. Republicans and Democrats always talk about getting rid of the debt, but none of them actually do anything because getting rid of the deficit requires hard choices- cutting millions of government jobs, raising taxes, cutting entitlements, etc. Republicans are going to sweep into power promising to cut the debt, and unless something changes, they're not going to do anything.
This is so true. The Republicans don't have a single idea about how they're going to cut the debt (how can you lower taxes and lower a trillion dollar deficit? There isn't enough even close to enough spending to cut to accomplish that ). Democrats, meanwhile, have already taken a significant step in reducing the deficit with their health care overhaul, which is estimated by the non-partisan CBO to cut $500 billion + from the deficit over the next 10 years, and are trying to lower the deficit by $700 billion more over the next 10 years by raising taxes on the rich.
I don't agree with everything this guy says, but most of what he advocates makes a lot of sense. The stimulus plan wasn't just for jumpstarting our economy in the present but was also designed to build our economy for the future, with an emphasis on preparing it for the new green revolution.
This is old news, but Gilbert Arenas is so crazy.